Free storage: 免舱租(开舱期间还柜免舱租)
Full in/Laden in: 重柜还场。
LATE COME: 客户向我司提出延迟重柜还场/输单时间/放行条的申请。
Loading list: 装船清单
LOI: Letter of Identification, 保函OB/L: Original Bill, 正本提单POD: Port of Discharge卸货港,也叫目的港。POL: Port of Loading 起运港,也叫装货港。POR: Port of Receipt – 收货地,一般指非大船直靠港的其它港口S/I: Shipping Instruction – 补料S/O: Shipping Order – 订舱号SWB: Seaway Bill, 海运单T/R: Tele-Release, 电放Truck: 拖车(货柜车)
Customs Declaration: 报关。CY CLOSING: 大船截至还重(停止收货)的时间,也叫截重,指重柜截止还场时间CY OPEN: 俗称开舱,即大船开始收货,免舱租,货物报关的开始时间。从开舱日期零点开始计算。CY: Container Yard(码头堆场,或指定堆放货柜的地方。)Customs release script cut off:截放行条: 递交放行条给我司的截止时间。Customs declaration information cut off: 截输单: 到船代输入报关资料的截止时间。D.G.: Dangerous goods 危险品Depot: 外堆场,我司指定可以提柜的地点。EIR: equipment interchange receipt 设备交接单 (俗称:换单纸/重柜纸)Empty(MTY) Out: 吉柜(空柜)出场。Empty(MTY) Return: 吉柜返空到堆场。Equipment Free time: 免柜租(我司从提柜日起三天免柜租,非小时制) ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival – 预计到港时间ETD: Estimated Time of Departure – 预计离港时间F/D: Final Destination 目的地,即货物最终到达的地方。Feeder vessel/Barge: 驳船
a) Customs-clearance 或declaration(“申报”)at the customs(“报关”:名词)
b) apply(申请)to(向)the customs. Declare at the customs(以上为动词“报关”)
c)另:clearance of goods或entry也可指“报关”(n.) (clear the goods from customs:为货物报关)
d)“报关单”:bill of entry或application to pass goods through customs或customs debenture或customs declaration或entry(一个词)或report
e)报关费:customs clearing fee
f)报关行:customs broker或customs house broker
g)报关经纪人:customs agent
h)报关港口:port of entry
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